Of course I Googled Gazpacho to see what came up (including my spelling of it, unbelievable that it's correct). I landed on this site only to discover the dish originated in Andalusian Spain.
Wow, that's a cowinky dink! We took care of a couple of Andalusian goats for awhile and it's my Photostory Friday post on my other blog. Heck if others won't link me, I'll link myself. (That almost sounded risque.)
I know you're dying for the recipe, so as told to me by him:
Ripe tomatoes picked from Judy's wonderful garden
Red onion
Cucumber, cut off skin
Bell pepper also fresh from garden (He usually uses a hot pepper, but my Bells are pretty tangy this year.)
Parsley from garden
Kiwi (and strawberries if available)
Everything is chopped up and then pulverized in his granite mortar and pestle. That's the Neanderthal part. He wanted me to be sure to tell you that neanderthals did not use mortar and pestles. I'll do a little research and get back to you on the origins on that which I should probably already know because I have a small collection.
Now combine all ingredients in one bowl and add to taste
Sea salt
Ground fresh black pepper Lots, he insists.
Juice of one lime
He then adds vinegar and extra virgin olive oil in a 3 to 12 ratio, tablespoons that is. It was at this time I entered the kitchen to find the above pre-clean up. I raced for my camera.
"Wait," I screamed. "Don't clean anything up! I'm going to blog your recipe!"
I can never tell if he's more amused or annoyed that I tell the world about us or our dirty kitchen, but I tell him, "Don't worry because nobody reads my blog anyway." I know that always makes me feel better.
Refrigerate soup overnight. In the morning, he scoops out a portion for lunch and adds more olive oil. He's an olive oil freak! He likes his soup chunky, but I noticed lots of recipes add bread cubes and blend it smooth.
It's quite tasty.
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